SGit Apk

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Category: Tools
Curent version:
Updated: 02.11.2016
Price: Free
Size: 2.08 Mb
Download: 190

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Description of SGit

* All repositories are stored in [sdcard dir]/Android/data/me.sheimi.sgit/files/repo, you could manually backup repositories if you what to delete this app.
* Here is the github repo of this project:
* If you have any bugs (or crashes) and want to help improve this project, please open an issue in github and describe how the bug was generated so that I can make the bugs reappear and fix them.
* This app is for android 4.x. Even though it support android 2.x, I do not have time and devices to test for it.

* If you want to donate this project you can go to project home page and click the donate button.

To Do List
* private key passphrase
* dark theme
* related commits to a file
* commit graph (low priority)

* clone a remote repo
* cancel when cloning
* delete local repo
* search from local repos
* pull from remote repo
* push to remote repo
* add modified file to stage
* commit and push changed files
* committer information
* add remote repo
* init a empty repo (in sandbox or any directory in sandbox)
* import copied repositories (that is, you can copy a repository from computer and import to SGit)
* external repo (not in sandbox)
* checkout branches and tags
* checkout remote branches
* merge branches
* browse commit messages (short)
* git diff between commits (to be enhanced)
* git status
* git rebase
* git cherry pick
* git checkout (reset changes of a file)

* edit and save files (and you can also use other apps to edit files)
* browse files (with syntax highlight)
* manually choose code's language

* http/https/ssh are supported
* username/password and public key authentication is supported (without private key passphrase)
* private keys management
* prompt for password (could choose not to save password)



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